Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy applies to all visitors to our site.

We know you care how your personal information is collected, used and shared, and we appreciate your good faith on us when you share your information with us.

What we mean by “personal information” is the information that identifies you (such as your name, delivery address, billing address, phone number, and email address). “Personal information” can also include descriptive information (such as your site and buying preferences) if it is used in conjunction with identifiable information.

What personal information do we collect at our website?

The personal information that we collect can be divided into two categories. There is the information you personally provide to us through various inputs and the information collected through various technologies automatically when you are browsing our website without any action from you.

Information that you share with us

From time to time we may ask you to provide us with information that can be used to identify you, information such as your full name, delivery address, billing address, contact number, email address, payment details and other related information. This information may be collection in various places depending on what action you take on your journey through our site, such as when you browsing through our site and take any of the following actions:

  • Order items on our website
  • Contact us by filling out a form
  • Request information about our products and services;
  • Setup price alerts
  • Add items to wishlist
  • Write product reviews
  • Join our Facebook page or YouTube channel;
  • Create a gift registry
  • Sign up for our newsletters or promotional offers
  • Enter a contest, take our surveys.

Information that are collection from you automatically

When you use our website, we may collect information such as your ip address, location, page you are viewing, device type, browser and operating system you are using. They are collected anonymously and they can’t be used to directly identify you. However, if they are coupled with personal information provided by you or via the use of trusted third-party services that utilise their data assets and aid us in identifying our website visitors by their email address or mailing address.

As you interact with our service, we and our partners may create cookies on your device. Cookies are small files that are sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your device for track record purposes. In general, cookies help us to customise our services and help us provide you with information that is relevant for you. They help us to fine tune our website, personalise our website to your preferences, and better serve you with highly relevant information.

We and our partners may also use a variety of other web technologies to personalise your experience and gather information on how a user interacts with our website. Tey enable us to associate your online interactions, such as the items you have viewed on our website, your purchase history, and your geographic location, with the personal information you share with us. The technology also allows us to provide features such as retrieving your old card and delivering product recommendations that are relevant to your prior purchase(s) or browsing history. We also use this information for generating reports and statistics in order to improve our site, to market products and services on our website and other websites and over various media, and to deliver relevant products and services to you.

We use third-party companies to serve ads on other websites and social medias. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other websites in order to serve you with personalised text and display advertisements for goods and services when you visit other websites, based on your browsing history. To learn more about this behavioural advertising practice and to know your choices with respect to these third party services, you can visit or

How do we use the information collected at our website?

Personal information we collect at our website may be used to do things like the following:

  • To process your orders
  • Improve customer services
  • Remember your preference and provide you with personalised services
  • Optimise our website
  • To manage competitions, promotions, surveys and other website features;
  • To enable you to submit your feedback, reviews and other queries
  • To enable you to interact with third-party content and service providers,
  • To market products and services for our various brands

How do we protect your information?

You can be assured that we take your personal information security very seriously and use best industry practises, technical and physical measures to protect your information from unauthorised access. For example, we utilise full Secure Sockets Layering (an industry-standard data transmission protocol) to encrypt data that transmits to and from you. We also encrypt every identifiable information that we store in our database using bcrypt encryption technology which is best in its class.

No system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of your information and cannot assume liability for improper access.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Occasionally we may update this Privacy Policy in order to reflect any changes to the website or our privacy practises. If we make any material updates to this statement, the new statement will be posted to the website seven (7) days prior to the changes taking effect. Your continued use of the Services indicates your consent to the Privacy Policy as posted.